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Home Environment Nature and Food Microwave Food is Toxic


The following is a collection of articles on the toxicity and ill health effect of food cooked or even heated in a microwave oven. All too often we choose convenience over health, perhaps because we have never really looked into the molecular effects and blood changes due to microwave food. It just appears to be a quick, easy and convenient way of reheating food in comparison to the traditional cooking on a stove.


After reading this article you will very quickly be convinced that microwave food is not fit for human consumption because it effects some severe changes in our blood. A microwave oven is based on the principle of alternating current. Atoms, molecules and cells hit by this hard electromagnetic radiation are forced to reverse polarity 1 to 100 billion times a second. There are no atoms, molecules or cells of any organic system able to withstand such a violent, destructive power for any extended period of time, not even in the low energy range of milliwatts.


If someone brings up the argument, well it's all in Krishna's service, yukta vairagya, or anything along those lines then let's ask ourselves the simple question: "Did and would Srila Prabhupada ever accept prasadam cooked or re-heated in a microwave oven"? The answer is a definite NO. Does Krishna accept microwave food? NO, He doesn't. There is NO bhakti in microwave cooked or heated food. It's for our convenience only and it is therefore not devotional service. It is just another kali yuga way of life. Therefore, if Krishna or His pure devotee do not accept microwave food why are we serving it to the Vaishnavas or why are we eating it ourselves or serve it to our family members and beloved ones? In short, we should stop it immediately and go back to the conventional way of cooking and heating our food for Krishna, His devotees or our family members. This is the only option if we really appreciate and love them.


Krishna banned Kaliya from His home and playground of Vrindavan because she poisened His cows, friends and family members. We should do the same with the microwave oven in our home. In short, can the microwave be used in the service of the Lord at all? The answer is NO. It has no place in the devotional service of the Lord!


Here is the article. We will be adding some more links shortly. You can also make your own research. There is plenty of information on the Internet and elsewhere:



Last Updated (Sunday, 17 June 2012 22:01)

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There is no difference between the kingdom of God and the devotional service of the Lord. Since both of them are on the absolute plane, to be engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord is to have attained the spiritual kingdom. (Bhagavd-gita 2.72 pp)